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It’s official – Ofsted have rated Harmans Water Primary as a Good school!
What’s more, some of our practice has been judged as outstanding!

“There is an ethos that shines through.”
“Classrooms are calm and purposeful places”
“Leaders have designed an exciting curriculum”
Ofsted June 2021

Read the full report here

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Assessment at Harmans Water Primary School

At Harmans Water, we use the principles of the SOLO Taxonomy to differentiate work and learning outcomes within age related expectations. SOLO stands for Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes. 

There are five levels in the SOLO taxonomy:

  • Extended abstract
  • Relational
  • Multi structural
  • Uni structural
  • Pre structural
Solo Taxonomy Explained

In school, we have matched each strand of SOLO to a colour and our staff and children use the language of both SOLO Taxonomy and the colours.  Learning targets beginning with 'I can', are linked to age-related expectations and connected to the strands of SOLO. This enables children and teachers to understand what has been learned and what the next steps will be.

Here are some examples of SOLO rubrics that we have used in lessons recently:

Teacher assessments are made regularly and recorded using the colours. The table below demonstrates how we have linked the colours to age related expectations:


Working at greater depth within age related expectations


Working at age related expectations


Working towards age related expectations – not yet secure


Working below age related expectations


Working well below age related expectations

We also use GL assessments to test in Maths and English at the end of each term and inform our teacher judgements.

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